over 7 years ago
– Sun, Jul 09, 2017 at 03:05:12 PM
FLAME JOB! As alot of you know the flame is going to be done between me and Chris Apache, from apache flameworks. This was suppose to be done next week but i will not be able to get over to him right away. He lives in another province about a 13 hour drive away. I have told a bunch of people that you would be waiting 2 extra weeks if you ordered flamed stainless. So i am offering a few options to the people that did.
1) ill send you normal stainless pins and then a flamed set later on and you can pay the difference
2) you get a credit on your account for your next purchase and ill send you stainless with your spinner
3) refund
( the flame stainless portion )
I have found this is alot harder doing everything yourself and people scheduled change as well and i cant do much about it. I you have purchased flamed stainless comment bellow thanks. Ill be going threw my list tomorrow and try and message everyone personally. If i dont get a response ill be sending your spinner with stainless and then credit your account until i get a response. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hey everyone
over 7 years ago
– Tue, Jul 04, 2017 at 06:20:35 PM
So i just wanted to update everyone on how things are going, I have about half the spinners built and ready to go. I have just been waiting on the Allen keys to get here so i can start shipping. Since Canada day ( July 1st ) and now July 4th for the states, the post offices have been shut down it seem for almost 5 days. I am hoping that ill be shipping most of the orders Friday and a few by Monday. I am doing my best to get these to you since i know you've been waiting a while. I will update you if their is any changes but we are still on target as of today. Thanks
over 7 years ago
– Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 02:29:34 PM
Hey everyone, its a been a while since i did an update and i had one of the backer remind me of that lol. So we are on point to be shipping early July around the 7th i am shooting for as promised. Here is a picture of the black and brass. The reason this takes so long is these are not just machined and slapped into a box. The Helix is machined then tumbled, then sand blasted and then finally anodized and then assembled. The reason their is so many steps is that you get a premium spinner that has a great hold for years to come on the durability of the color that you ordered. So i hope you all have a great weekend. Make sure you check out our Instagram and Facebook group for updates and more cool stuff coming! And as always i appropriate the support
We are almost done!
over 7 years ago
– Tue, Jun 06, 2017 at 04:59:13 PM
OK guys the backer kit is pretty much set waiting on 4 people. So what ill do is give you guys 2 days to sort out if you want to add anything to the order then we will be charging your cards. If you got any questions let me know
thanks for your time
Moving forward
over 7 years ago
– Thu, Jun 01, 2017 at 05:00:51 PM
As we have 80% of the backer kit reports in i have started production of the Helix Color models, we have started the helix 1 at the same time and we stand we are looking great for an early july shipping date. We will not be laser etching, for it will push back the release another 2 months and i am not willing to make you guys wait that long. Most of you don't seem to mind so i appropriate it. You will all be receiving a certification card and i even am sending every order a small pouch as a thanks.
I appreciate the support